White-Spunner Construction collaborated with the Barton Academy Foundation to offer Construction Management Services for the ambitious historic restoration of Barton Academy. With our extensive experience in historic restoration, garnered from notable projects like The Battle House Hotel and The Van Antwerp Building, the WSC team brought the necessary expertise to provide Construction Management Services for this significant endeavor. Our collaboration with the design and construction teams ensured meticulous adherence to historic guidelines, ensuring the preservation of Barton Academy’s rich heritage. The successful restoration allowed Barton Academy to reopen its doors to students in the fall of 2021, welcoming them back to a remarkable learning environment spanning 59,000 square feet. White-Spunner’s efforts on this noteworthy restoration project ensured that all criteria were met to preserve the building’s historic character and comply with Alabama historic guidelines. This dedication resulted in the successful attainment of Alabama historic tax credits for the Barton Academy restoration project.