On Tuesday, May 7, White-Spunner Construction celebrated the commencement of the second graduating class of the Academy of Craft Training’s Mobile Campus (ACT). The class included 41 students from Mobile and Baldwin county public schools, marking a 64% increase in graduates compared to last year’s 25 students. These students, who received training from the ACT and support from members of the Alabama State Department of Education and Alabama Industrial Training, now have the opportunity to work for area contractors like White-Spunner Construction.
In a few weeks, Jaiyden Penn, a graduate of the ACT-Mobile and ACCEL Academy, will start working with the self-performance division of White-Spunner Construction. During his time at the ACT, Penn majored in building construction, earning his OSHA 10 certification, National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) core competencies, and graduating as a Level 1 Carpenter. Students across the Gulf Coast will begin similar work with various area contractors.
Following their training and graduation, students at ACT-Mobile have the opportunity to pursue internships and job opportunities with ACT-partner companies across different market sectors. White-Spunner Construction and the Academy of Craft Training welcome all trades, contractors and construction companies to participate.

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